

"3D at Siggraph 2010" by Michael Starks,Copyright 2010 3DTV Corp.กก

"3D at Infocomm 2010" by Michael Starks,Copyright 2010 3DTV Corp.กก

"3D at NAB 2010--- 3D Conquers The World " by Michael Starks,Copyright 2010 3DTV Corp.

"3D at NAB 2009---Tools for Shooting, Editing and Displaying 3D Video"by Michael Starks,Copyright 2009 3DTV Corporation.
In Acrobat format.

"The Future Of Digital 3D Projection"by Michael Starks,Copyright 2009 3DTV Corporation.
In Acrobat format.

"TriD™- intuitive 3D video record, edit on PC's user manual"by Michael Starks, Copyright 2009 3DTV Corporation.
In Acrobat format.

"3DX SINGAPORE—DIGITAL 3D MOVIES FOR THE 21ST CENTURY" by Michael Starks,Copyright 2009 3DTV Corporation.In Acrobat format .

"Stereo Camera Geometry" by Michael Starks ,Copyright 2009 3DTV Corporation.In Acrobat format .

"SPACESPEXANAGLYPH—THE ONLY WAY TO BRING 3DTV TO THE MASSES  " by Michael Starks ,Copyright 2009 3DTV Corporation. In Acrobat format .


Starks, M., "3D for the 21st Century", Copyright 2000 3DTV Corporation.

"Making Stereo Pairs in 3D Studio""by Michele Bousquet

"3D FAQ" compiled by Joel Alpers

"3D Sources" by Timothy Klein 1994

Starks, M., "Stereoscopic Imaging Technology", Copyright 1996 3DTV Corporation.

A History of 3D TV in pictures-to accompany "Stereoscopic Imaging Technology" and "3D For the 21st Century " articles

Starks, M., "IMAX 3D - Terrific Format, Modest Results", Copyright 2000 3DTV Corporation.

Drascic, D., "Stereoscopic Vision and Augmented Reality", Scientific Computing & Automation, 9(7), 31-34, June 1993.

Drascic, D., "Skill Acquisition and Task Performance in Teleoperation Using Monoscopic and Stereoscopic Video Remote Viewing", Proc. Human Factors Society 35th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 1367-71, Sept 1991. (Winner of the Human Factors and Ergonimcs Society's Alphonse Chapanis Award for best student paper.)

Drascic, D., "An Investigation of Monoscopic and Stereoscopic Video for Teleoperation", MASc Thesis, University of Toronto, April 1991.

Drascic, D., Grodski, J.J., "Defence Teleoperation and Stereoscopic Video", 1993 DND workshop on Advanced Technologies in Knowledge Based Systems and Robotics, Ottawa, Nov 1993.

Drascic, D. & Milgram, P., "Positioning Accuracy of a Virtual Stereographic Pointer in a Real Stereoscopic Video World", SPIE Vol 1457 - Stereoscopic Displays and Applications II, San Jose, California, Feb. 1991.

Grinberg V., Podnar G., Siegel M., "Geometry of Binocular Imaging" presented at Stereoscopic Displays and Applications V, Proceeding of the 1994 IS&T/SPIE Conference on Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology, San Jose, California, USA, February, 1994.

Grinberg V., Podnar G., Siegel M., Geometry of Binocular Imaging II: The Augmented Eye, presented at Stereoscopic Displays and Applications VI, Proceeding of the 1995 IS&T/SPIE Conference on Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology, San Jose, California, USA, 5-10 February, 1995.

Grinberg V. S., Siegel M. W., "Geometry of Binocular Imaging III: Wide-Angle and Fish-Eye Lenses", Stereoscopic Displays and Applications VII, IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging '96, San Jose, California, USA, 1996-Jan-28 to Feb-02.

Gunatilake P.,Jordan A., Siegel M. "Compression Technique for 3D Stereo Video Streams", presented at the International Workshop on HDTV '93, Ottawa, Canada, October 26-28, 1993. (6.2 MB)

Lateiner J.S. "The Vox-L Stereoscopic Workstation: Stereoscopic Interactive Volume Visualization for Medical Data ", presented at the Medicine Meets Virutal Reality II conference, San Diego, January 1994.

McVeigh J., Grinberg V., Siegel M., "Double Buffering Technique for Binocular Imaging in a Window", presented at Stereoscopic Displays and Applications VI, Proceedings of the 1995 IS&T/SPIE Conference on Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology, San Jose, California, USA, 5-10 February, 1995. (0.95 MB)

McVeigh J. S., Siegel M. W., Jordan A. G., "Adaptive Reference Frame Selection for Generalized Video Signal Coding", Digital Video Compression Algorithms and Technologies 1996, IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging '96, San Jose, California, USA, 1996-Jan-28 to Feb-02.

Sethuraman S., Jordan A., Siegel M., "Multiresolution based hierarchical disparity estimation for stereo image pair compression", presented at Symposium on Applications of Subbands and Wavelets, Newark, New Jersey, March 18, 1994 and the images from the paper (2.26 MB)

Sethuraman S., Siegel M., Jordan A., "A Multiresolution Framework for Stereoscopic Image Sequence Compression, presented at International Conference on Image Processing `94, Austin, Texas, November 13-15, 1994 (75 Kbytes) and the images from the paper (3.7 MB)

Sethuraman S., Siegel M., Jordan A., "A Multiresolutional Region Based Segmentation Scheme for Stereoscopic Image Compression", presented at Digital Video and Compression: Algorithms and Technologies, IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging `95, San Jose, California, USA, 5-10 February, 1995. (1.87 MB)

Sethuraman S., Siegel M., Jordan A., "Segmentation Based Coding of Stereoscopic Image Sequences", Digital Video Compression Algorithms and Technologies 1996, IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging '96, San Jose, California, USA, 1996-Jan-28 to Feb-02.

Siegel M. W., et al, "Software for 3D-TV and 3D-Stereoscopic Computer Workstations", Proceedings of the 1995 International Workshop, EC RACE II-DISTIMA and COST 230, International Workshop of Stereoscopic and Three Dimensional Imaging, Aristotle University, Theessaloniki, Greece, September 1995, pp. tbd.

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